What inhibitions?

Shower singers! We’re sure your bathroom tiles appreciate the vocals, but get a little more out of your voice box with this inhibitions-busting session.

You’ll be surprised how simple exercises and a little encouragement can give you so much confidence.

In groups of ten to 20, you’ll release endorphins, socialise, and learn about warming up your voice, a few simple vocal exercises, how to breathe properly, and the basics of harmony.

Our trained singing instructor knows how to get the most out of your vocal cords no matter what your starting point, and change the way you sing – forever!

Course dates

Wednesday 11 June 7-9pm Book now
Thursday 12 June 6:30-8:30pm Book now
Wednesday 18 June 6:30-8:30pm Book now
Thursday 19 June 7-9pm Book now
Wednesday 25 June 7-9pm Book now

Workshop size

10 - 20



